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Pavilion "Paulinka" is supplied as a complete set of details and fixing elements including:

  1. Wooden roof with tiling.
  2. Floor – wooden basis “all-in-one-piece” does not need any special foundation preparation and can be set up on 6-8 columns, leveled on the ground.
  3. Furniture: benches and table.
  4. Detailed and illustrated assembly instruction will help you to set up the pavilion without any special training, using only screwdriver and hammer.

We offer two variants of the pavilion: 

"Paulinka 1"
деревянные беседки для дачи
"Paulinka 2"
беседки павлинка


Dimensions (endwise):

  • Width: 214 cm.
  • Length: 360 cm.
  • Height: 285 cm.


All the wooden details are impregnated in autoclave with ecologically safe preservative Tanalith E (without chromium and arsenic). This kind of impregnation protects the pavilion from rot and destruction up to 10-15 years without any additional protection.

Wood toners can be used to prettify pavilion with any other color.

Developed byArtisMedia Massiv-drev 2007, phones +375 1645 9-35-35; +375 29 861-861-3, office@massivdrev.com

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+375 29 861-861-3 or +375 1645 2-45-45
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